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This charter serves as a guide and founding document for the two councils of the Circle, which oversee and direct the Order's daily operations, goals, conduct, and affairs. All major and notable decisions made to further the aims of this Order must abide by, and adhere to the laws and guidance set forward below.

Upper Council

Knight's Council

Role of the Upper Council:

  • To decide upon, and influence, the direction of the Order, and its members.

  • To decide upon matters of importance related to the Order, and its affairs.

  • To mediate conflict within the Order, and judicate resolutions.

  • To serve as a platform for airing grievances with the sole purpose of seeking resolutions.

  • To determine the response to any and all summons levied upon the Order.

  • To vote decide upon the appointment of a Knight-Champion.

Role of the Knight's Council:

  • To vote upon the promotion and appointment of new Councilors.

  • To decide upon the dismissal of a member from the Order, the dismissal of a Knight or Councilor from their respective Council rank.

  • To vote upon, and officiate, the appointment of Initiates to Knights.

The following are the basic policies designed to serve as the foundation for all business and affairs:

  • Any member of the Knight’s Council may call for a session to be held; they must allot forty-eight hours for communications to be delivered, and for members to attend. The exception to this rule is in times and situations of extreme and dire crisis. He or she who calls a session of the council is responsible for its order of business, and ensuring it meets the purposes for which it was called; they are called the Chairperson.

  • Each member of the Order, at the time when they are inducted, will be presented with one Signet of the Council, with which they may communicate with other members, and receive summons for council meetings. Allies may, at the discretion of sitting Knights of the Council, be granted signet rings to be used for communication.

  • Each member of the Order who has attained the rank of Knight, or any equal or higher title, is granted one vote on the council, on all matters which require a vote. Providing that forty-eight hours have been allotted for members to attend, any council member not present will have their vote counted as an absentee, or abstention, and the proceedings will continue.

  • All impromptu votes require a majority vote to pass, but any and all matters pertaining to the exile, dismissal, or demotion of a Knight, or any matters pertaining to the alteration of the Order’s charter, require a two thirds majority to pass.

  • Any member of the Council seeking to speak, or to set forth additional items for the agenda, must be called upon before giving their voice.

  • On all matters regarding other members of the Order and the Council, accusations may not be made, nor accepted, without either witness or evidence. No member of the Council shall seek to defame, or discredit another sitting member. Any grievances presented to the Council, specifically relating to another sitting member, must be admitted with the express purpose of seeking justice and clarity, not vengeance or retribution.

  • The Council may be presented with the sponsorship of new members of the Order, by Knights, or other ranking members. The Council will hear the merits and deeds of the member in question, discuss their worthiness, and then vote upon the appointment of the member in question to the rank of Knight. A majority is required to authorize the promotion of a Fellow to the rank of Knight.

  • Should ever a situation arise in which the council seeks the removal of a member of the Order, or a sitting member of the Knight’s Council, or the Upper Council, evidence and witnesses must be presented, and the matter debated impartially before a vote is given. A two thirds majority is required to authorize the dismissal of a member of the Order, or a sitting member of either Council.
    The member in question must be given the opportunity to speak their defense. ((OOC situations in which members are in severe breach of guild code of conduct, or game ToS, may be ejected ICly without Council authorization, at the discretion of the GM. ))


  • In the event that the Upper Council is found to have passed measures, directed action, or otherwise violated the set goals and responsibilities of the Ardent Circle, as defined in this Charter, the Knight’s Council may seek a majority vote to override any decision made, or otherwise revert the Councilors’ actions.

  • Councilors are expected to attend, and vote upon the Knight’s Council at every gathering; they remain active Knights within the Order in every way considered normal, but also have additional duties and responsibilities. They should be included, but hold no greater authority, on issues such as the induction of Aspirants to Fellows, the promotion of Fellows to Knights, or the appointment of new Councilors.

    Standard Knights, however, are not given the opportunity to vote on matters exclusively overseen by the members of the Upper Council.

Knights of the Circle

Once a fellow of the Circle is appointed to the rank of Knight, they are added to this roster. Knights who have either stepped down from the Council, or had their membership lapse, may be listed as Fellow once again, but their previous membership on the council is still noted; similarly, Knights who are raised to the rank of Councilor may have their information adjusted as needed.

Founding Member: Knight

Walter Vanforth

Current: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Councilor

Carter Vanforth

Deceased: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Knight

Olivier Ironheart

Current: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Fellow

Tiara Vanforth

Current: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Knight

Michael Omegaru

Former: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Knight

Skiaa Flamestrike

Former: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Knight

Lane Williams

Dismissed: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction

Founding Member: Knight

Claire Cromwell

Former: 8th of August, Year 33

Status & Induction


Aylana Frosthammer

Former: 22nd of August, Year 33

Status & Induction



Current: 23rd of October, Year 33

Status & Induction


Toryenda Ambershade

Dismissed: 23rd of October, Year 33

Status & Induction


Cellesta Echosong

Current: 2nd of January, Year 34

Status & Induction


Halstead Wallowscott

Current: 13th of March, Year 34

Status & Induction



Dismissed: 13th of March, Year 34

Status & Induction


Rosemary Glasford

Current: 23rd of April, Year 34

Status & Induction


Rumaat the Stone

Current: 23rd of April, Year 34

Status & Induction


Peyton Hallowmar

Current: 23rd of April, Year 34

Status & Induction


Centori Dellanir

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Karidak Dellanir

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Dighton Davenwell

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Aredin Hamilton

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Terimas Manning

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Finnigan Wyman

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Feltharanas Couruban

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Hal'sonas Windreaver

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Voldi Ironarm

Current: 10th of May, Year 34

Status & Induction


Kanas Renard

Current: 5th of December, Year 34

Status & Induction


Allie Sweetsong

Current: 5th of December, Year 34

Status & Induction


Chaniste Skyguard

Current: 5th of December, Year 34

Status & Induction

Procedure and Policy

Overview of:
Inductions & Promotions

Characters/players seeking admission to the guild will be required to take oaths which bind them not just to the Order, but to all other active members. The purpose of these oaths is to foster a sense of community, loyalty, and duty. Furthermore, when characters are ready to accept more responsibility in the Order, and have completed their trials/apprenticeships, they can be promoted to Knight, or any other rank of the same tier.


Spoken to the aspirant before the swearing of their oaths:

  • Swearing these oaths is a ritual that binds each of us to the tenants of our Order, to the virtues of our own faith, and to the fellowship of our union. Sworn are we, these fellows of the Order, to safeguard the lives of the innocent, to drive back the forces of darkness which seek to wash upon our shores, and to keep secure the lands of the Crown, and this great Alliance, for all generations to come.

    The oaths I speak, to follow, will cement your fellowship within this Order; do not consent lightly. For each oath that you swear your response is to be "So long as I draw breath, I shall.” Do you understand?

Each of the following oaths is then administered, providing a moment for the aspirant to respond with “So long as I draw breath, I shall.”

  • Will you swear yourself to the loyalty of our Order, for the preservation of the lives of those whom we call fellows?

  • Will you swear to uphold the tenets of good faith, and honesty, upon which our Order is founded?

  • Will you swear to safeguard the lives of the innocent, and to safeguard these lands of the Crown, and of the great Alliance, against all enemies who advance upon it, of both this world and others, for the sake of the people?

  • And lastly, will you swear to fight in the name of your brothers and sisters of this Order, should they call upon you in their time of need, no matter the danger?


Following their acceptance of the final oath, they may be welcomed into the Order, and promoted to the rank of Fellow.


Promotions are decided upon by the Knight’s Council on a case by case basis. Candidates must have proven their ability to abide by the Order’s mandates and laws, and to serve as an exemplar of the Ardent Circle’s values, and uphold their oaths as members.

Should the council feel one of its own members has risen above their station time and time again, and has proved themselves worthy and capable of taking a higher position of leadership, the Knight’s Council can discussing their potential appointment to the rank of Councilor; there must always be an odd number of Councilors.

Promotion to Knight:

Responsibilities of an Ardent Knight:

  • Knights are charged with embodying the virtues and tenants of the Order, executing its duties throughout the south, voting in new members of the Knight’s Council, and the Upper Council, and recruiting new members to the Order.

    Candidates for Knighthood have proven that they are: knowledgeable and understanding of the Order’s virtues and purpose, willing and able to fight for and serve the Alliance and the Order in times of great peril, to seek out and aid those in need, and to represent the Ardent Circle in the best of manners.


  • Fellows being promoted to the rank of Knight will need to reaffirm their vows; the following is spoken:


Spoken to the Fellow before the swearing of their oaths:

  • Having taken your oaths, and proved yourself an able bodied exemplar of those virtues, tenants, and duties you swore to upon joining our Order, the Council has agreed that you are worthy of being included within its ranks, and tasked with the even greater duty of not only continuing to uphold those virtues, but to help instill them in new generations of Fellows.

    Will you pledge yourself to this responsibility, to the well-being of the Council, and the Order, and accept, and execute the duties of the Knights of the Ardent Circle?

Promotion to Councilor:

Responsibilities of an Ardent Councilor:

  • Councilors are appointed by the Knight’s Councilor to guide and administer the daily affairs of the Order. Councilors are appointed, and hold their station until voted out by the Knight’s Council, or upon their own resignation. They are responsible for deciding upon affairs concerning the direction of the Order, including what tasks and campaigns it undertakes.

    Each councilor becomes an exemplar, and embodiment of one virtue, voted upon by their peers. A merciful and compassionate candidate may, therefore, become a Councilor of Mercy, or Councilor of Compassion.

    Candidates for the Councilor position have proven that they are: mature, level headed, and capable of leading the Order, have months of experience within the Order, and must be current members of the Knight’s Council.

Appointment to Knight Champion:

Responsibilities of a Knight Champion:

  • Knights who are appointed beyond the station of any council: charged with leading the forces of the Order on the field of battle, and becoming an essential paragon of the knighthood, these Knight Champions are essentially the chosen of the Council, and represent the best of the best within the Order. They are often chosen and appointed to serve out specific roles or tasks in times of need, and operate outside of the purvey of the council.

    Candidates for Knight Champion have proven that they are: tenacious, resilient, honest, humble and always knightly; exemplars of all the standards and responsibilities of Ardent Knighthood, who are willing to step above and beyond their station and lead in times of need, and have proven their capacity to act, and react, with clear headedness and resolve in times of chaos and uncertainty. They may be appointed for the duration of a specific period of time, or permanently elevated to this station, given that they are assigned specific responsibilities.

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