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The War Currency is a system for deeper engagement, allowing players to purchase items and abilities that can be put to use at events, dynamically altering possible outcomes.


The Ardent Circle is a heavy RP guild based on the Wyrmrest Accord: RP-US server.


A fellowship of knights that has stuck together through several reformations, and all of whom are sworn to defend the Alliance, its people, and the territories of the southern Eastern Kingdoms - the Circle has rooted itself into the south, and plans to make all the difference that it can. 

While primarily tasked with defending the southern borders against the enemies of the Alliance, the Circle also sees to charity, emergency relief, and public service, ensuring that the people of the Alliance are kept safe and well, and assured justice in all matters.

While the Circle strives to keep itself easy to slide into, and simple in concept, there are a few things you should know about us before you decide you sell us your soul!


The Ardent Circle works to engage as much as they can with the community, and one of those ways is through Tumblr; you can find tons of story and reference material here.


The Ardent Circle makes use of an easily accessible system for combat events that offers an easy way in for both new, and experienced roleplayers; check it out with the link below!.


About the Guild

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